What to do if your vehicle breaks down
• Look out for marked parking areas.
• Move your vehicle to the hard shoulder.
Park as near to the left as you can. If you cannot do this, take steps to warn other drivers such as switching on your hazard warning lights.
• Use the roadside phone to contact the Gardai.
This automatically lets them know your exact location. If you cannot use this phone use your mobile but be aware they will require information about your location.
• Do not place any warning device such as a triangle on the motorway as it is too dangerous.
• Never try to do repairs yourself on the hard shoulder.
• Wear a high visibility vest. Always carry one in the vehicle.
• Do not walk on the motorway. Leave your vehicle through the left-hand door and make sure your passengers do the same.
Leave animals in the vehicle or, in an emergency, keep them under control on the verge.
• Make sure that passengers keep away from the motorway lanes and hard shoulder, and keep children under control.
• Wait for help on the embankment side of the motorway well behind the crash barrier.
• If for some reason you are unable to follow the above advice, you should stay in your vehicle with your safety belt securely fastened and switch on your hazard lights.
• Before you rejoin the motorway after a breakdown, build up your speed on the hard shoulder before merging into traffic. Be aware that other vehicles may have stopped on the hard shoulder.