In the event of motorway collision, the Gardaí will close the road at the previous junction and traffic will be forced off the motorway.
The diversion signs will direct motorists to follow a particular symbol which will allow the driver to re-join the motorway at the next junction.
The diversion routes are selected so that all types of vehicles can use the suggested detour. For example, roads which involve bridges would only be selected if large trucks would be able to pass underneath.
The road network tends to favour solid black shapes placed on yellow backgrounds. However, where there is a large number of diversion routes in one location, there may be diversion signs that use hollow symbols. In total, there can be eight variations.
Motorists familiar with the M50 will have seen the symbols beside junctions around Ballymun, Finglas, Blanchardstown, Lucan, Red Cow and Sandyford. Transport Infrastructure Ireland liaises with the relevant Local Authorities when considering introducing new diversion routes.