When you are driving on a motorway
You must drive ahead. You are not allowed to turn or reverse. It is an offence to drive against the flow of traffic on a motorway.
If you find yourself driving against the flow of traffic, pull in immediately to the hard shoulder and stop. Contact the gardaí by dialing 999. Do not attempt to turn your vehicle. Wait for help in a safe place.
Drive at a safe and legal speed that will not interfere with traffic already on the motorway.
Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front. Leave a bigger gap when you are driving on wet or icy roads or in fog.
Variable messaging warning signs may be used to advise motorists of potential hazards on the motorway. Do not stop or park on the
motorway except in an emergency or when you are told to do so by the emergency services or gardaí.
You must not drive on the hard shoulder as it is a motoring offence to do so and you could get penalty points.